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The best way to make yourself feel amazing is with the help of a few drops of your favorite perfume. But, a scent usually lasts very short - probably because you don't apply it correctly. There are a couple of tricks that will help you make the most out of your perfume and smell amazing all day long. 5
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Although it's clear that in order to keep your hair healthy, you need to use a conditioner, many women still wonder whether they should use it on a regular basis, how to apply it properly and so on. If you are one of them, this is what you need to know about hair conditioners and why are they actually so important. 47
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If you want your skin to be supple and glowing, you know how important it is to use a moisturizer. But, are you aware that not all moisturizers are equal and that you need to learn how to choose the best one for your exact skin type? Here is how to do that! index
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If you have those unsightly dark under-eye circles, then a concealer is probably your best friend. But, are you sure that you are using the right type? It is equally important to know how to apply it properly and how to choose the right type for your skin. Take a look and learn how to avoid the mistake of buying the wrong one. 1
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Taking care of dry skin can be very challenging, especially during the cold weather season. This is because the humidity levels drop with the temperatures, which makes your skin feel very tight. However, you can protect your skin during those cold months and nourish it properly when it is already irritated and this is how you can do that. 66
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When it comes to makeup, once you turn 50, the makeup rules you obeyed in your 20s and 30s no longer apply, but you still need to have a great skin care routine. Now you need to learn how to conceal those fine lines and sun spots and make your skin more radiant, but if you don't apply your makeup properly and you don't take care of your skin, you can look even older. Here is how you can turn back the clock. L_2660
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Pregnancy comes with a number of changes and issues, and it might be a bit difficult to think about your skin care. However, that is just the right time to pay attention to your skin. During the pregnancy, your skin goes through different changes, and that is why you need to keep a healthy skin care routine if you want to avoid breakouts, dry skin and other problems. shutterstock_15773725
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Aloe vera is considered to be a miracle plant and a solution for a number of skin conditions, including dry skin, sunburns and even acne. Aloe vera can enhance your beauty routine and help you get gorgeous skin thanks to all the vitamins and minerals contained in its long leaves. Take a look and find out why aloe vera should be an integral part of your beauty routine and what it can actually do for your skin. images1
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Even if we eat healthy and work out regularly, our metabolism slows down as we get older. When you are very young, you can eat pretty much everything and notice almost no difference in your body. However, as you get older, you need to pay attention to what you eat and how much of it in order to continue looking and feeling amazing. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to speed up your metabolism. images
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If you've got dry hair, you know how unhealthy it can look and how hard it can be to style it. In order to deal with the problem of dry hair, you need to know what causes it. If you want to have a good hair day every day, read and learn what are the most common factors that cause dry strands. 27D786EC00000578-3049838-image-a-3_1429671472364
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