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If you are a blonde, you've probably already realized that your hair needs special attention if you want to keep it healthy and shiny. A specific maintenance routine can ensure that your ends don't get dried out, that your hair stays protected from UV rays and that your color doesn't fade. Take a look and learn how to keep your blonde hair looking amazing. ee24f9eb01b49207326d8eda93f49956
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If you are pregnant, then you already know how important good nutrition is for your baby's development. Almost all pregnant women need more protein, vitamins, minerals and more calories for energy. However, you don't need to eat much more than before, you just need to eat a well-balanced diet and consume up to 300 more per day. what-to-eat-during-pregnancy
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Most women think that beautiful nails are an integral part of an elegant look. But, if you want to keep your nails healthy, there are a few very important tips you need to know. To make sure that your nails get and remain healthy and beautiful, you need to  eat a well-balanced diet and adopt a great nail care routine. index
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If your nails are damaged, then you surely want them to grow as fast as possible so that you can see again that hard surfaces you love to polish. Growing and maintaining beautiful nails is very difficult because they are not actually alive. And, when you end up with your fiinger nails damaged after acrylics or due to biting, waiting for them to grow out can be really tedious. Here is what you can do to speed up the process. metoda-zelowa-galeria-urody-arkadius
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Growing your hair really fast is never too easy, especially if you've made a mistake and asked you hair stylist for bangs or a certain haircut that turned out to be the wrong choice for you. Whatever the reason, the process of waiting for your hair to grow can be really tedious. And, although you can not expect your hair to grow overnight, a few simple tips that can help you speed up the process. maintain-body-health-women-hair-loss-tips
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You might be tired with experimenting with your hair and you want to return to your natural hair color, but is that such a simple decision? If you've changed your hair color many times, coming back to the natural color might be a real problem. Going natural is really worth doing but if you still hesitate, here a few great reasons that will help you make that decision. 98fa9f941346b122211ed587ec7fffa8
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There are many women who are not blessed with clear, glowy skin - and even they might get a blemish or two once in a while. In order to prevent that and keep your skin looking amazing, you need to pay attention to your daily diet. A healthy diet might be the key to clear skin and here are the healthy foods that you should consume daily if you need to fight acne. images (5)
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Passionate yoga practitioners experience a number of yoga benefits - they sleep better, feel relaxed, get fewer colds and much more. However, if you are new to yoga, you might want to learn and understand how it can improve your health and heal pains. Here is what yoga can do for your body. Yoga-ook-goed-voor-sceptici1
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While most people have a problem with losing weight, there are those who would like to gain weight. In order to gain weight in a healthy way, what you need is the right diet and proper exercise. Take a look at the following simple tips that will help you gain weight in a healthy way. index
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If you've got dry hair, you know how unhealthy it can look and how hard it can be to style it. In order to deal with the problem of dry hair, you need to know what causes it. If you want to have a good hair day every day, read and learn what are the most common factors that cause dry strands. 27D786EC00000578-3049838-image-a-3_1429671472364
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