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Thinning hair is something many women experience, although many think that this is a problem that can happen only to men. There are many reasons why hair fallout happens to women and the most common ones include genetics, hair styling and environmental factors. If you are facing such a problem, take a look at a few bad habits that lead to breakage and thinning hair and their alternatives. 19
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Growing long hair that looks and feels healthy is not easy and you need to know that it takes time. The most important thing is to be patient, but there are also a number of other tricks that will help you grow long and beautiful hair as fast as possible. 12
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If sticking to an exercise routine has been a real challenge for you lately, then you might need a few styling tricks that will make you look much slimmer. And whether you could really benefit from loosing a few pounds or you are just experiencing one of those "fat days", these styling tips will help you look slimmer. 10
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Caring for curly hair and styling it is not always too easy as there are many things you need to know if you want to keep it healthy and beautiful. In order to avoid bad hair days, you need to know what you are doing. The following advice will make styling any curly hairstyle very simple and easy. 4
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Choosing the right kind of color or color palette for your home can be really difficult and there are many color mistakes that can happen if you are not experienced enough. There are a lot of things you need to take into consideration when attempting to use color in your home. So, take a look at the most common color mistakes and learn how to fix them or avoid them altogether. 233
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Since you spend about a third of your lives in bed, it is very important to keep your mattress clean. An average person spends six to eight hours in bed every night, and if you are one of them, you should know that dirt, dead skin cells, hair and coffee and juice spills can be found on your mattress and that all of them can affect your sleep quality and health. Here is what you can do to keep your mattress clean and healthy. 3
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There are so many different types of hairbrushes that can be very difficult to figure out what are each of them actually good for. When it comes to your hair, the proper tools can make all the difference. Here is how to pick the proper brush and get perfect hair. index
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If you are willing to spend half an hour with your blowdryer every morning, then you are probably not looking for low maintenance hair tips. However, if you are one of those women who want hair that looks amazing without having to spend a great part of their morning routine on it, this guide to low maintenance hair is perfect for you. madison-beer-short-hair
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If you know how to play up your eye shape, you can be sure that you will always look flawless and put together. In order to master the makeup application according to your eye shape, you first need to know what that shape exactly is. Here is how you can determine that shape and master a basic look. Close-up-of-a-model-with-dark-hair
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Whatever shade of blonde you prefer, you should know that it requires special attention when it comes to hair care. It tends to be fine, fragile and dry so it requires special care in order to stay shiny and beautiful. Here are the most important tips that will help you keep your blonde hair healthy and glossy. Blonde-High-Light-Balayage1
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