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Do you have a problem with keeping your curls falling flat as soon as you walk out the door? Since straight hair can make your face look fatter, curls might be a better solution. However, it takes a little practice to figure out how to curl your hair properly and make it last. Here are a few advice that will help you master this process faster.

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Many women get their hair bleached, even though they know that bleach is one of the harshest chemicals they can use on their hair. Bleach can cause brittle hair and split ends, and  if you are experiencing some of the typical symptoms, you need to do something before the problem gets worse.  Since it actually causes damage by stripping your hair of the oils that keep it moisturized, you need to replace that moisture. Here are a few most important things you can do for your bleached hair. Feature-image1
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If you want to improve your hair condition but you don’t want to spend money on costly products, homemade hair masks are a great alternative. They are cheap, easy to make, and very nourishing. To make all natural hair masks you need only the ingredients you can find in your kitchen and pantry. For your healthy hair, here are some easy recipes for excellent hair masks. hair-mask-440x244-300x166
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Although the smell alone is enough of a reason to want to use baby powder for many different purposes, it actually has so many unconventional and awesome uses that you’ve never even thought of. It’s also relatively inexpensive and it can replace many costlier products. Here are some amazing ways to use baby powder in your everyday life. amazing-uses-for-baby-powder-300x200
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We all want baby soft, supple, glowing skin and what it takes to get skin like that is proper care. If you want your skin to look as youthful and healthy as possible, here are some simple yet effective tips for you. Good skin care habits will help you get that glowing, clear, beautiful skin you’ve been dreaming about. images17
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Getting a salon straight hairstyle at home is easy, you just need the right shaping tools, styling products and some hair straightening technique. Straight, smooth hair looks good on every face type, but many women are reluctant to straighten their hair because they are afraid of causing damage. Here is how to properly straighten your hair and achieve an amazing look without destroying your hair. images (1)
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In spring, most of us find ourselves in a spring-cleaning frenzy! Our tidy tendencies get on the next level and we want our house to be sparkling and spotless. And, although this takes time, it’s not that difficult to do it. However, every woman gets across at least one cleaning frustration during this process. For many of them, it’s a shedding rug. If you have a problem like that, take a look how to eliminate the dreaded fuzz they leave behind. преузимање (4)510meXYnmgL
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Every single woman loves her hair, but, unfortunately, all of them have to deal with split ends. Split ends are not the end of the world, but if your ends are frayed, your whole hairstyle looks a bit dull. And if you are trying to grow out your hair, split ends are the last thing you need. However, there are ways to help your hair. There are a few easy tips that will help you get soft, smooth and healthy hair. They can’t help you get rid of split ends entirely, but you will be able to keep them under control. Take a look! images
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Maintaining a clear complexion can be difficult. If you were not lucky enough to be born with great-looking, flawless skin, chances are you’ve struggled to find a skincare routine that works for you. Besides making sure that your skin is properly hydrated and getting regular facials, it is very important to remove all of your makeup before going to bed. You can first use a makeup wipe and then apply a cleanser. Or, you can use just a cleanser that is suited for your skin type, but apply it twice. If you are still looking for some more tips to make your skin better and more beautiful, take a look at these tips. преузимање (3)
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Eggs contain lots of protein, so you can use them for a homemade remedy to make your hair healthier and stronger. Egg yolks are especially good for your hair. They are loaded with nutrients that nourish hair and keep it healthy. Vitamins present in the yolk of an egg protect your hair and the high sulfur content helps in maintaining a healthy scalp. Here is how to use egg yolks for conditioning and moisturizing your hair. images (1)
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