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Why spend money on expensive hair masks that promise miracles, when you can make different hair masks by yourself in a couple of minutes with the same effect? These are the simplest hair masks you can easily make - enjoy and  watch your hair get healhy, shiny, and full of vitality. 36
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Even if taking your makeup off after a long day is the last thing you feel like doing, you know you need to do it properly in order to keep your face clean and your skin youthful and radiant. However, this doesn't have to last long - here is how you can take your makeup off fast and easy. 22
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Curly hair can be easily styled during spring and summer and keeping it healthy and shiny is not too difficult, but what when cold weather arrives and your hair looks and feels dry and dull? There are a couple of changes you need to make when it comes to your hair care regimen and you can relax - your hair will be protected, moisturized, and shiny! 9
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Homemade masks are amazing for your skin, but they are also very affordable, since you use only natural ingredients you can almost always find in your home. Green tea, packed with antioxidants, works magically to detoxify your face and skin and enhance your beauty. A homemade green tea face mask is easy to make - take a look! 999
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When it comes to simple health problems, you can treat them safely at home, as long as you are sure that you are dealing with a minor problem that doesn't require special medical attention. Here is how you can treat a couple of health problems by yourself using only what you can find in your kitchen. 444
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Curly hair can look and feel amazing, but only if you treat it with special care. Since curly hair tends to be very dry, it really needs the right care in order to look healthy and shiny. For a few tips, take a look. 53
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There are so many different types of hairbrushes that can be very difficult to figure out what are each of them actually good for. When it comes to your hair, the proper tools can make all the difference. Here is how to pick the proper brush and get perfect hair. index
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When it comes to makeup, once you turn 50, the makeup rules you obeyed in your 20s and 30s no longer apply, but you still need to have a great skin care routine. Now you need to learn how to conceal those fine lines and sun spots and make your skin more radiant, but if you don't apply your makeup properly and you don't take care of your skin, you can look even older. Here is how you can turn back the clock. L_2660
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Freezing temperatures and winter winds can take a toll on your skin and devoid it of all the moisture if you are not taking good care of it. Gentle cleansing and deep moisturizing should be  very important parts of your skin care regimen if you want to keep your skin healthy and radiant all winter long. Here is what you can do to make your skin stay moisturized, healthy and glowing when the temperatures drop. WSKT_1
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Aloe vera is a great moisturizer, it can be used in treating a number of skin conditions, hair and scalp problems and much more. From moisturizing and treating sunburns to treating pigmentation marks, take a look and learn how you can use aloe vera for nurturing and healing your skin. aloe-vera-gel-opt13
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