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Why spend money on expensive hair masks that promise miracles, when you can make different hair masks by yourself in a couple of minutes with the same effect? These are the simplest hair masks you can easily make - enjoy and  watch your hair get healhy, shiny, and full of vitality. 36
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Homemade masks are amazing for your skin, but they are also very affordable, since you use only natural ingredients you can almost always find in your home. Green tea, packed with antioxidants, works magically to detoxify your face and skin and enhance your beauty. A homemade green tea face mask is easy to make - take a look! 999
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Taking care of dry skin can be very challenging, especially during the cold weather season. This is because the humidity levels drop with the temperatures, which makes your skin feel very tight. However, you can protect your skin during those cold months and nourish it properly when it is already irritated and this is how you can do that. 66
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If your nails are damaged, then you surely want them to grow as fast as possible so that you can see again that hard surfaces you love to polish. Growing and maintaining beautiful nails is very difficult because they are not actually alive. And, when you end up with your fiinger nails damaged after acrylics or due to biting, waiting for them to grow out can be really tedious. Here is what you can do to speed up the process. metoda-zelowa-galeria-urody-arkadius
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For many of us, summer is our favorite time of the year. However, summer weather can take its toll on your skin. The blazing sun and high humidity require a different skin care routine. In order to protect your skin, you need to make a few summer skin-care changes. Here, you can read how to protect your skin during the hot summer months. sunscreen-face
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If you want to improve your hair condition but you don’t want to spend money on costly products, homemade hair masks are a great alternative. They are cheap, easy to make, and very nourishing. To make all natural hair masks you need only the ingredients you can find in your kitchen and pantry. For your healthy hair, here are some easy recipes for excellent hair masks. hair-mask-440x244-300x166
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Do you believe that your grocery shopping can be your beauty shopping at the same time? Plenty of natural products you use in your home can be used for your beauty routine. You can use simple kitchen ingredients and experience the beauty of healthy skin and hair. Here are some unusual but very effective ways to use your kitchen ingredients as beauty products free from toxins and quite inexpensive. a3e6f7e469e0f80aa0aa2308e4ddf4c6_1407758809-300x133
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Eggs contain lots of protein, so you can use them for a homemade remedy to make your hair healthier and stronger. Egg yolks are especially good for your hair. They are loaded with nutrients that nourish hair and keep it healthy. Vitamins present in the yolk of an egg protect your hair and the high sulfur content helps in maintaining a healthy scalp. Here is how to use egg yolks for conditioning and moisturizing your hair. images (1)
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Is your hair dry, dull and lifeless? Don’t worry, with some time and effort you can bring it back to life. There are a few easy and inexpensive at home tricks that will condition your brittle locks. Dry hair can result from external or internal factors. External factors, such as shampooing too often and using a harsh shampoo, are easy to remedy. You just need to treat your hair more carefully or switch products. Take a look at a few more tricks that will help you get healthy, gorgeous hair. Manage-curly-dry-hair-with-these-home-remedies-and-tips
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Growing healthy long hair can be difficult, but there are things you can do to improve hair growth. By maintaining healthy hair through a good diet and proper hair care you can increase the growth rate of your hair and get healthy locks. If you wonder what to do to make your hair grow faster and to get luscious locks of hair, read the following tips. Making your hair grow fast naturally is actually easy, you just need to adopt the right habits. Home-Remedies-to-Grow-healthy-Long-hair1
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