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Your short hairstyle doesn’t provide much room for experimenting with popular braids and ponytails? Don’t worry, there are many amazing short hairstyles you can try out! Cute short hairstyles are adorable, chic and elegant and the following pictures will help you transform your short hairstyle in the most beautiful way. images (2) short hairstyles round face 2014 (6)
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Curtains make a room! They matter more than you might think, but choosing the right ones, with so many options on your hands, can be a bit overwhelming. Appropriate curtains can finish a room to perfection, but the wrong ones can easily ruin the design you have. To narrow down the options and select the curtains that will beautify and brighten your space, you have to think about privacy, the lighting, and the theme. images (4) images (5)
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Area rugs are practical, they provide comfort and warmth, but they are also a great way to decorate your rooms. But choosing the right rug can be tricky - the right one can add personality and style to a room, but the wrong one can make a room seems unfinished. To create a well balanced space, you might need a few guidelines to help you find the proper rugs for your rooms.  When choosing the right rug, there are three main elements you should keep in mind: size,  color and pattern. download dsc_014112
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You can easily make your bathroom a stylish retreat by choosing the right style of tiles. With so many options, from traditional to modern, it’s easy to choose the perfect tiles to help you create your dream bathroom. Modern interior design trends bring bold color combinations, interesting textures and beautiful details that make your functional rooms unique and beautiful. Creative tile designs allow you to personalize your bathroom design. images (1)
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Non-toxic and extremely effective, baking soda can be used as a natural beauty solution. Uses of baking soda are countless and some of them are unexpected. This inexpensive product can easily become a part of your beauty routine. Enhance your grooming routines with this great product. преузимање
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Your home tells a story in a way that can be experienced and enjoyed. If you want to refresh your #decorating without remodeling, just change a few things here and there. When you want to give your #home a new feel, you should know that simple changes can make a huge difference. Emphasize your home’s story by adding a few new and interesting pieces to keep it looking lively. If you want to freshen up your home’s decorating, here are several ideas to get you inspired. Living-Room-Decor
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When the cold winter months come, many of us would rather stay inside our warm and cozy homes. And since you are spending so much time inside, you should better create a relaxing and inviting atmosphere. Here are some small tricks to help you make your home a beautiful and pleasant retreat. winter-warming-interiors-for-20111
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Do you want to make your bathroom a relaxing retreat? Use these bathroom ideas to create a stylish small bath with a big impact. Choose one of these inspirational ideas to add style and appeal to your bathroom. bath-shower-curtains-141  3.13 Bath 17
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Long hair is an old beauty trend that will always be in style. Women with this hairstyle are perceived as more feminine and soft, and long hair can be stunning when it is sleek and healthy. Try taking it to the next level by adding soft layers, fashionable bangs or style it into a popular braid. Long-Hair-Styles-with-Side-Bangs-and-Layers1343180871_taylor-swift-side-swept-hairstyle1images (2)
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If you are planning to repaint your apartment soon, you should know that colors affect your mood and your thoughts. Here are some general guidelines you could take into consideration when choosing paint color, but keep in mind that color choice is a very personal matter, and you should choose the one that suits you, your taste and style.
  1. Red
Red elevates the energy level in the room and is therefore a great solution for your living room or dining room, since it will inspire your guests to start a conversation. It is a great wall paint for lobbies since it leaves a strong first  impression, but not so much for bedrooms or any other rooms you use for relaxation. 1 Modern-Red-Living-Room-Interior-Design-Ideas-with-Flat-TV-on-Wall
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