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Although the smell alone is enough of a reason to want to use baby powder for many different purposes, it actually has so many unconventional and awesome uses that you’ve never even thought of. It’s also relatively inexpensive and it can replace many costlier products. Here are some amazing ways to use baby powder in your everyday life. amazing-uses-for-baby-powder-300x200
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Your happiness is related to your health and you cannot achieve good health without healthy habits. Healthy habits can really change your life - they can help you look and feel younger that your age and protect you from the harmful effects of stress. Here are 5 main healthy habits you should adopt if you want to be healthy and happy. 41ff116eab5fb6f09ecce9f1ae26618a-300x199
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If you don’t like mornings and you tend do snooze until the last possible minute you need to get up, then you are also probably struggling with your morning beauty routine. However, there are some beauty tricks that will help you look like you’d spent hours in front of your mirror. Take a look at these practical hacks and you won’t have to choose between sleep and beauty any longer. christmas-natural-makeup-look
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There are mornings when you wake up refreshed, energized and prepared to start the day. On the other hand, there are also mornings when you just want to stay in your bed. Such sleepy mornings call for an efficient beauty routine. When you want to stay in bed as long as possible, you need to know how to get ready quickly. Here are a few hair and makeup tricks for those lazy mornings. преузимање (3)
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Bedroom is as important as any other room in a home, although many people think that it is nothing more than just a room for sleeping. However, the bedroom tells about the owner of the house more than any other room, and, since we spend about one third of our lives sleeping, when it comes to decorating, this room needs proper attention. Among other things, what you need in order to sleep better are proper bed sheets. images (1) images (2)
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Are you a morning person or are you still trying to become one? Maybe you would like to be able to get up early and get a chance to take advantage of the daylight hours, but you don’t know how to train yourself to wake up with the sun. However, once you get used to being an early riser, chances are you will love it and feel healthier and happier. If you are struggling with changing your sleep schedule, here are a few tricks for turning into a morning person. images (1)
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If you like to spend your nights cozying up indoors with a glass of wine and a great movie, you need to create the right atmosphere in your home. A few blankets and pillows and some scented candles are all you need. Here are a few tricks and interior design ideas to help you master the art of creating a cozy oasis for a night in when all you need is to relax a little and take a night off. 8241471835959c7e28012d7bb9492394 tips-good-night-sleep-cozy-bedroom-perfect-for-sleep
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Puffy eyes and dark circles can be really frustrating. There are a few reasons why they appear. Genetics, age and seasonal allergies are the biggest culprits. But, there are ways to reduce puffiness and dark under-eye circles. If a full night of sleep isn’t enough, here are a few natural tricks to help you win this battle. puffy-eyes-story
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Would you like to wake up energized and happy? Do you want to be productive all day long? It is possible and easy to achieve this, just read these tips how to make your mornings better.
  1. Don’t eat before going to bed
Eating late and eating too much burdens your digestive system which works all night, even when you sleep. Instead, have an early and healthy dinner. That way, you won’t go to bed hungry but not too full either. womanpic1001_228x342-200x300
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Although tea is considered to be one of the healthiest beverages, its influence depends on your blood type. Every blood type has different needs, so according to your blood type you can determine which teas will be the most beneficial for you.  If you like to consume tea and you want to find the best tea according to your blood type, take a few moments to read this article. blood-type-teas-choose-the-best-tea-for-your-blood-type-1-600x398
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