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Eggs contain lots of protein, so you can use them for a homemade remedy to make your hair healthier and stronger. Egg yolks are especially good for your hair. They are loaded with nutrients that nourish hair and keep it healthy. Vitamins present in the yolk of an egg protect your hair and the high sulfur content helps in maintaining a healthy scalp. Here is how to use egg yolks for conditioning and moisturizing your hair. images (1)
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Even if you do your nails at home, you want a salon-quality manicure. Every woman wants perfectly polished nails and all you need to achieve that are a couple of tricks that will make the process easier and faster. Take a look at these tips that will help you get beautiful, flawless nails at home. images
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Gemstones are created from the magma from the Earth’s inner core and they are considered to be amongst the most ancient objects on the planet. They are also believed to have a strong energy field. These stones are made up of tiny crystals that are in constant motion so they really emit an energy signature. Although there are many different types of stones, let’s take a look at the most known ones and learn their meanings. agate
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Everyone knows how beneficial yoga is. It helps you relax, both physically and mentally. If you are new to yoga, you can start with a couple of basic yoga poses that will help you get stronger and more flexible. These poses are perfect for beginners who want to achieve more flexibility. If you have enough time, you can start your yoga practice with a few yoga poses and finish it with a few minutes of meditation. If you have little time, do either practice or meditation – that will be enough to help you relax. beach_yoga__in_tree_pose_shad
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Are your nails strong and beautiful? Or are they weak and brittle? To grow strong and healthy nails and prevent nail damage,  start with a few simple everyday habits. To get gorgeous nails and enjoy amazing manicures, you need a proper fingernail care to make them looking their best. Take a look at the following tips and check  whether you are taking good care of your nails or you need to adopt a few more habits to keep them in perfect shape. download
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If you want strong #nails, glowing #skin, and thick #hair, you need both a great #beauty regime and a great diet. Don’t underestimate the importance of a healthy diet – food contains lots of beauty ingredients and the best way to have good nails and healthy hair is to start from within. The saying “You are what you eat” is certainly true. Here are some beauty-enhancing foods you might want to take into consideration if you want to look gorgeous. преузимање (3)
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There are many factors that affect your health. While some of them you can’t control, there are some lifestyle choices you can make to help stay healthy. Many people think that living a healthy lifestyle is a challenge, but it’s actually about engaging in healthy behaviours on a routine basis. Here you have 4 healthy habits you should adopt if you want to improve your life and your health. Each of these habits may seem small by itself, but overtime they can have an immense positive impact on your health, moods and emotions. преузимање (3)
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Flowers have a language of their own and different messages can be expressed with them. Even different flower colors have meanings associated with them. Have you ever considered the meaning associated with the flower you bought for someone? Understanding the meaning of flowers can add a special dimension to your choice of flower arrangements, especially when it comes to gifting flowers. Here  are some common flowers and their meanings. images
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