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The first days of spring have arrived and we are all happy that the weather is warming up. The only problem about the arrival of spring is allergy season that comes with it. However, there are a few natural ways to beat spring allergies and freely enjoy every minute of this beautiful season. Allergies happen when our immune system mistakes pollen and grass as harmful. To defend itself, our body releases histamines, responsible for the inflammatory responses in the nasal airways and sinuses, into the bloodstream. This is why allergies happen, and here is how to avoid them. преузимање (2)
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Castile soap is made from plant oils; it’s not simply a chemical detergent. It is very mild, which means it is sensitive on skin and it is also bio-degradable. You can use this eco-friendly product when you want to make household products by yourself. Castile soap is very versatile and can be used as a major ingredient for all kinds of products – from beauty items to cleaning supplies. If you are looking for a way to avoid many of the toxic products in your home, here is how you can replace them with Castile soap. 3515DE_Castile_Soap
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When you leave the hair salon with freshly colored hair, it is very likely that you are going to feel pretty and thrilled with your locks and that you will want that look to last as long as possible. There are not many things that make a girl as stellar as freshly colored strands, but the bliss doesn’t always last too long. There are many factors that make the hue fade, leaving you with dull strands. If you are constantly looking for new ways to keep that color fresh as long as possible, here are a few tricks to help you achieve that. hair
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Everybody loves jeans. However, when it comes to maintenance, people often make mistakes because jeans are not like other clothes. In order to look like new as long as possible, they require special care. So if you want your favorite pair of jeans to stay with you for a long time, you have to start taking good care of them. Here are the most common mistakes people make when dealing with jeans. Take a look and try to avoid these mistakes. images (3)
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Is your hair dry, dull and lifeless? Don’t worry, with some time and effort you can bring it back to life. There are a few easy and inexpensive at home tricks that will condition your brittle locks. Dry hair can result from external or internal factors. External factors, such as shampooing too often and using a harsh shampoo, are easy to remedy. You just need to treat your hair more carefully or switch products. Take a look at a few more tricks that will help you get healthy, gorgeous hair. Manage-curly-dry-hair-with-these-home-remedies-and-tips
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Gemstones are created from the magma from the Earth’s inner core and they are considered to be amongst the most ancient objects on the planet. They are also believed to have a strong energy field. These stones are made up of tiny crystals that are in constant motion so they really emit an energy signature. Although there are many different types of stones, let’s take a look at the most known ones and learn their meanings. agate
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Your metabolism depends on several things. It is partly ruled by genetics and it also slows down after the age of 40. But, although you can’t control some of the causes, there are other ways to improve your metabolism. There are certain foods that can increase your body’s fat-burning power. Take a look at how you can speed up your metabolism naturally. преузимање (2)
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Puffy eyes and dark circles can be really frustrating. There are a few reasons why they appear. Genetics, age and seasonal allergies are the biggest culprits. But, there are ways to reduce puffiness and dark under-eye circles. If a full night of sleep isn’t enough, here are a few natural tricks to help you win this battle. puffy-eyes-story
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Every home needs a little bit of color. Moreover, spring is upon us, and there is something about it that sets us in the mood to redecorate. It may be because of the warmer weather, or the bright spring blooms. Whatever the reason may be, if you are looking for some ways to inject a little color into your home, here are some ideas for you. images (2) преузимање (1)
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Would you like to wake up energized and happy? Do you want to be productive all day long? It is possible and easy to achieve this, just read these tips how to make your mornings better.
  1. Don’t eat before going to bed
Eating late and eating too much burdens your digestive system which works all night, even when you sleep. Instead, have an early and healthy dinner. That way, you won’t go to bed hungry but not too full either. womanpic1001_228x342-200x300
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