If you dream of shiny, healthy and beautiful hair, you should know that it starts with a good haircut. But even if you have a great haircut, when you wash and style your hair by yourself, it doesn't always look as stunning as you hoped. Why is that? Here are some of the most important things that even your hairstylist won't tell you.
An amazing #hairstyle starts, but it doesn't end with a good haircut. The truth is - if you want your #hair to look good, you should know that it takes time. So, unless your #hair is completely perfect, and chances are it isn't, you will need to style it if you want it to look good.
Although you shouldn't use too many #hair products, if you are not using any, your #hair will not look good. Just remember how many different products your hairstylist uses before and during your blowout, and you will realize that you need a couple of different products if you want to have a salon quality #hairstyle every day.
However, just because you have and use different #hair products, it doesn't mean that you are using them correctly, and that is what makes a difference between good and bad hair. Change the products you have been using for a long time, ask for advice on how to use the new ones, and if a certain product isn't working for you, look for another one.
After you get a new haircut, stop styling your #hair the same way as before. In order to be happy with your new haircut, you need to change your styling technique. If you don't succeed the first time, try again, as getting accustomed to your new #hair might take some time.

Although you shouldn't use too many #hair products, if you are not using any, your #hair will not look good. Just remember how many different products your hairstylist uses before and during your blowout, and you will realize that you need a couple of different products if you want to have a salon quality #hairstyle every day.