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If you wander how some women can always look so radiant, even with so little makeup on, you should know that it's because they are using all the right products, and most importantly, they are using illuminator. You don't  need a number of beauty tricks and makeup tools to look bright and fresh; one of the easiest ways to get dewy and glowing skin is applying illuminator. If you want to learn more about the power of illuminators and realize that they are not as intimidating as it may seem, take a look. bridal-makeup-9
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Are you still hoping that one day you will find a foundation that you've been looking since you've started using makeup - a perfect match for your skin tone? Well, although there are so many different shades, it is still very difficult to find a perfect match off the shelf. That is a great reason to make a perfect match yourself by mixing foundations. Take a look and learn how to do it properly. fenserka-com-2
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You probably already know how important for a good night's sleep it is to get in sync with your body's sleep and wake cycle. Keeping a regular sleep schedule allows you to feel refreshed and energized, so try not to alter it by even an hour. If you can't really get a good night's sleep, take a look at the following useful tips that can help you. images
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If you want to keep your skin looking radiant all year round, then you need to adapt your skin care routine to the season – every weather change calls for specific products and beauty regimen. In order to give your skin the treatment it deserves, take a look at the following amazing tips that will help you adjust your skin care regimen to autumn chill. index
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What makes the difference between flawless makeup and unpolished look is knowing how to apply liquid foundation. Moreover, applying it with your fingers might seem easier, but if you use a brush for this purpose, you will use much less product and blend it in better. Here is how to properly apply your liquid foundation with a brush. raquel-zimmermann-and-shiseido-perfect-foundation-brush-gallery
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Covering blemishes can be very tricky, especially if you've already tried a number of makeup tricks and ended up disappointed. But, if your skin is not flawless, you have no choice but to find the most useful tricks that will help you cover up different types of blemishes. Take a look and learn how to do this the best way possible. best-concealers-810x426
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If your nails are damaged, then you surely want them to grow as fast as possible so that you can see again that hard surfaces you love to polish. Growing and maintaining beautiful nails is very difficult because they are not actually alive. And, when you end up with your fiinger nails damaged after acrylics or due to biting, waiting for them to grow out can be really tedious. Here is what you can do to speed up the process. metoda-zelowa-galeria-urody-arkadius
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Growing your hair really fast is never too easy, especially if you've made a mistake and asked you hair stylist for bangs or a certain haircut that turned out to be the wrong choice for you. Whatever the reason, the process of waiting for your hair to grow can be really tedious. And, although you can not expect your hair to grow overnight, a few simple tips that can help you speed up the process. maintain-body-health-women-hair-loss-tips
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Whether you like to switch from highlights to rich brunette shades in fall or you just want to go from blonde to brunette, you should know that the process can get complicated. However, there are a few great tips to help you get an amazing end result. Take a look! e100d1d6de78edb0de4e263fbc4cac41
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Whether short or tall, many women dream of having even longer legs. Luckily, there are a few easy ways to make that dream come true and it's all about illusion. Take a look at a couple of amazing tricks that will help you make the most of your build and fake long legs. a0c35c70ccc00fa2c507114230d31024sexy-tan-black-heels11
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