Your home tells a story in a way that can be experienced and enjoyed. If you want to refresh your #decorating without remodeling, just change a few things here and there. When you want to give your #home a new feel, you should know that simple changes can make a huge difference. Emphasize your home’s story by adding a few new and interesting pieces to keep it looking lively. If you want to freshen up your home’s decorating, here are several ideas to get you inspired.
To bring life into your #decor, you don’t have to redecorate absolutely everything. Your home is a reflection of the things you love so why not put some of your fondest memories on the walls?
If you can’t think of any additions that could improve your room, but you still feel it needs some kind of a change, repaint it. Wall #paint changes the look of your house and how you feel, so don’t underestimate its importance. Refresh and rejuvenate your #walls with colors that make you feel relaxed and at ease. Yellow is always a good choice. It’s refreshing, optimistic and it brings sun. You don’t even have to repaint the whole room – just add some bright yellow details and watch the room transform.
If you feel it’s time to refresh your bedroom, new bedding will do the trick. Invest in some new sheets that can easily update the look of your bedroom. This small investment can add charm to your room. Choose your favorite color pattern and allow your new bedding to update your sleeping space in a beautiful and comfortable way.
It doesn’t have to take a lot of money or time to make a beautiful change. Sometimes, updating a room can be as simple as adding a few indoor plants. If you want to revitalize and give new life to your interior space, choose the plants that suit your style and create a relaxing oasis in your own home.

If you already have your dear pictures on the walls, give them a renewed life by changing the old frames with new and beautiful ones. This simple change will freshen up your decor in an instant.