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Whether because you are too busy or you want to grow your hair out, you might have to skip a few hair salon appointments from time to time. Consequently, your roots will eventually start to show and that is when you will need to use a few tricks to hide them. Here are a few fun ways to wear your hair until you decide to visit your hair colorist. roots4
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You probably already know that you shouldn't wash your hair every day, but that might be a problem if you have no idea how to style your day old hair. Well, there are a few amazing and easy-to-do second day hairstyles that will make you look sophisticated even if your hair isn't freshly washes. Take a look and learn how to style your day old hair. hair1
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If you straighten your hair regularly, then you know that keeping it looking beautiful and healthy at the same time is not always as simple as it seems. Straightening your hair takes time and patience, but without proper care of your smooth hair, you can easily be left with dry and damaged locks. hair-straighteners
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What makes the difference between flawless makeup and unpolished look is knowing how to apply liquid foundation. Moreover, applying it with your fingers might seem easier, but if you use a brush for this purpose, you will use much less product and blend it in better. Here is how to properly apply your liquid foundation with a brush. raquel-zimmermann-and-shiseido-perfect-foundation-brush-gallery
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If you are a blonde, you've probably already realized that your hair needs special attention if you want to keep it healthy and shiny. A specific maintenance routine can ensure that your ends don't get dried out, that your hair stays protected from UV rays and that your color doesn't fade. Take a look and learn how to keep your blonde hair looking amazing. ee24f9eb01b49207326d8eda93f49956
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Most women think that beautiful nails are an integral part of an elegant look. But, if you want to keep your nails healthy, there are a few very important tips you need to know. To make sure that your nails get and remain healthy and beautiful, you need to  eat a well-balanced diet and adopt a great nail care routine. index
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If your nails are damaged, then you surely want them to grow as fast as possible so that you can see again that hard surfaces you love to polish. Growing and maintaining beautiful nails is very difficult because they are not actually alive. And, when you end up with your fiinger nails damaged after acrylics or due to biting, waiting for them to grow out can be really tedious. Here is what you can do to speed up the process. metoda-zelowa-galeria-urody-arkadius
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Growing your hair really fast is never too easy, especially if you've made a mistake and asked you hair stylist for bangs or a certain haircut that turned out to be the wrong choice for you. Whatever the reason, the process of waiting for your hair to grow can be really tedious. And, although you can not expect your hair to grow overnight, a few simple tips that can help you speed up the process. maintain-body-health-women-hair-loss-tips
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Whether you like to switch from highlights to rich brunette shades in fall or you just want to go from blonde to brunette, you should know that the process can get complicated. However, there are a few great tips to help you get an amazing end result. Take a look! e100d1d6de78edb0de4e263fbc4cac41
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