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You want to get and keep your skin beautiful and glowing, but you don't want to spend hours trying to achieve that? It's possible! You skincare routine doesn't have to be complicated, you just need to know what are the most important steps and products. Take a look! 77
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Even if you are wearing a very simple outfit, a great pair of sunglasses can elevate your look in no time. However, the trick is to find the style that suits your face shape. In order to find such a pair of sunglasses, look for the shape that is opposite your face shape. If you want to learn more, take a look. 42
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If you want your skin to be supple and glowing, you know how important it is to use a moisturizer. But, are you aware that not all moisturizers are equal and that you need to learn how to choose the best one for your exact skin type? Here is how to do that! index
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It might seem that applying a blush is not complicated at all, but if you want to make the most out of it, you need to know the proper application technique. To emphasize your best face features and use blush in a way so that it flatters your bone structure, take a look. 8
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Putting oils on your face might seem wrong to you, but you are not right - facial oils are probably one of the most important steps in anyone's skin care routine. In order to get the best out of them, you need to realize that not all facial oils are the same. But, before you start looking for a type that is right for your skin, take a look at why you should use them at all. 41
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Even women who don't wear too much makeup like to apply some mascara, a little lip gloss, and just a little blush. These three products will make your face look fresh, youthful and radiant. However, picking the right blush color is not as easy as it may seem. Here are the best blush shades for your skin tone. 33
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Taking your makeup off before going to bed is sometimes just too exhausting, isn't it? However, if you want your skin to be healthy and glowing, you know you need to do it. So, when you are too exhausted to take your makeup off carefully, you reach for your makeup remover wipes, right? And although they are a quick and easy solution, they are not very healthy for your skin. But, since you really have to use them once in a while, you should know how to use them to your advantage. 29
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Before you buy a certain blush, you need to think about many important factors if you want to end up happy with your choice. Many factors come into play when it comes to picking the right blush, such as your skin type, season and many more. Read on to learn how to find the right type of blush for your complexion and your skin's specific needs. 12
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A great skin care routine involves an exfoliant, but you need to be careful not to over-exfoliate. If your skin looks red and dry and feels painful, instead of looking radiant and feeling smooth and soft, that means that you've either used a scrub that is too harsh or that you've been scrubbing for too long. When something like this happens to you, you need to know how to help your skin heal as fast as possible. Take a look at how to do that. 4
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Just because you like a certain shape of sunglasses, it doesn't mean that they are going to look great of you. The shape of a certain type of sunglasses can make the shape of your face look bad, disproportional, or just strange. So, next time you go shopping for sunglasses, here are the tips you need to keep in mind. 24
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