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Each of our fingers is associated with a specific organ and a certain emotion and just by wrapping a certain finger, you can calm its related emotion and organ. This will help reduce the intensity of the negative emotions you may be experiencing. To enhance the effect, you can practice the abdominal breathing at the same time. jsj_hand_whichfinger_crm
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Nothing makes a girl feel better than having gorgeous hair. And, if you are trying to grow your hair, you should know that a healthy diet can help you speed up this process. Eating a healthy diet will give you a great figure, glowing skin and do wonders for your hair. After all, there is a saying „you are what you eat“– certain foods can really make your hair look shinier and your skin and nails healthier. Also, there are foods that, being rich in biotin and vitamin B, can make your hair grow. Here they are. преузимање
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If there is one single product that can be used for cooking, moisturizing your hair, removing your makeup and hydrating your skin, that is coconut oil. And, unlike many other beauty products on the market, this one is completely natural. If you want to learn more about how you can use coconut oil on your skin and hair, take a look. преузимање (7)
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Many people agree that mangoes are one of the most delicious fruits. However, not all of them are aware of their numerous health benefits. Among other things, mango is a great natural moisturizer and helps you get and maintain healthy and radiant skin. However, the benefits or mango are not limited to your skin only - it promotes hair growth and a healthy scalp which leads to healthy and shiny hair. Let’s take a look at how mango can help you get amazing looking hair. images (1)
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Everybody loves mangoes – they are sweet, juicy and tasty. But, besides that, do you know that mangoes offer a number of health benefits? When you buy mangoes, select by their aroma, and not by their color. Their aroma should be full fruity, and there should be no dark spots or splits. How that you know how to chose ripe mangoes, let’s take a look at their benefits for the health of your skin. преузимање (1)
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As soon as spring hits, most women start wearing their white clothes! White jeans, T-shirts and skirts become all major staples in their wardrobes. But, many women struggle with keeping their white clothes as bright as when they bought them. There are different chemicals you can use for this, but if you prefer eco-friendly solutions, here are a few safe and natural alternatives to bleach. Take a look. IMG_1739B4
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Are you a morning person or are you still trying to become one? Maybe you would like to be able to get up early and get a chance to take advantage of the daylight hours, but you don’t know how to train yourself to wake up with the sun. However, once you get used to being an early riser, chances are you will love it and feel healthier and happier. If you are struggling with changing your sleep schedule, here are a few tricks for turning into a morning person. images (1)
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The first days of spring have arrived and we are all happy that the weather is warming up. The only problem about the arrival of spring is allergy season that comes with it. However, there are a few natural ways to beat spring allergies and freely enjoy every minute of this beautiful season. Allergies happen when our immune system mistakes pollen and grass as harmful. To defend itself, our body releases histamines, responsible for the inflammatory responses in the nasal airways and sinuses, into the bloodstream. This is why allergies happen, and here is how to avoid them. преузимање (2)
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Castile soap is made from plant oils; it’s not simply a chemical detergent. It is very mild, which means it is sensitive on skin and it is also bio-degradable. You can use this eco-friendly product when you want to make household products by yourself. Castile soap is very versatile and can be used as a major ingredient for all kinds of products – from beauty items to cleaning supplies. If you are looking for a way to avoid many of the toxic products in your home, here is how you can replace them with Castile soap. 3515DE_Castile_Soap
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If you have dry hair, then you often face a problem with frizzy hair that is difficlut to tame. If you have this problem, you need to use a conditioner on a regular basis. It helps lubricate the hair shaft and makes your hair soft. And although there are different conditioners available on the market, why not make one by yourself? Read about 3 homemade conditioners for dry hair that are easy to prepare and you can also easily adjust them to your hair. images (3)
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