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From hair to makeup, beauty trends change with the season and it is always very exciting to see new makeup techniques, hair color ideas and favorite beauty products. If you like to look trendy regardless of the season, here is where you can read about amazing winter looks and trends. So, let us walk you through the lastest winter beauty trends. Enjoy! Brown-Hair-Golden-Coloring-Trends1-600x706
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A few makeup products can do a lot for your appearance - in just a few minutes, you can look stunning instead of looking tired. That way, you will look inviting, awake and ready to start your day. Here are a few very important makeup tricks that will make you look more approachable. 11
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In order to look fabulous every morning, you don't have to spend hours in front of your mirror, you just need to know a couple of tricks. If you have a minute or two in the morning, remember these makeup steps and tips for rushed mornings that make a big difference. Take a just a couple of minutes for yourself and observe how makeup helps you feel refreshed and polished. images (15)
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If you choose your outfit and makeup colors according to season, you are about to start wearing wine, oxblood and berry lipsticks - the most popular fall colors. However, if you want to to make a change in your makeup routine this fall, take a look at the lipstick colors that are very popular now. wine-lipstick-kerry-washington-dark-skin
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You use makeup every day, but are you sure that you are using the right products for your skin tone and the proper technique? From concealer to mascara, take a look at the following simple pointers and make sure that you are using everything right. index6
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Now that summer is definitely behind us, it is the right time to change your makeup for fall. You don't have to abandon all of your favorite makeup products and stop wearing a coral lipsticks, you just need to adapt your stash to the new season. Here is how to take your makeup products from summer to fall. fall-makeup-tips
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While many women who like to wear makeup prefer one or the other, there are also certain differences between lip gloss and lipstick that make them perfect for certain situations. For example, lipstick is more polished and therefore more suitable for dressier occasions, while lip gloss is quick and easy and makes your makeup look effortless. Take a look to read when is lip gloss a better solution than a lipstick. index
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If you've just started using makeup, then you might think that it is a great mystery. However, you should know that applying a natural makeup that makes you look your best doesn't require a lot of skill. Take a look at some of the best advice for makeup beginners that will help you have no fear of the process and enjoy your glowing face. images
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Curling your eye lashes is very useful as it can easily make your eyes look even more beautiful that with just a mascara and maybe some eyeliner. In order to achieve an amazing loo, you have to know a few tricks so that you can get your lashes just right in no time. images (3)
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Many girlsĀ think that they have to start applying their makeup differently once they start wearing glasses. Well, that is not true. But, there are a few makeup tricks that can make your eyes look more flattering. Take a look and learn how to make your eyes stand out through your lenses. women-glasses
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