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In order to apply blush so that it flatters you, you need to do it according to your face shape. Blush adds color, but it is also a great tool for contouring and defining your cheekbones, so you need to determine your face shape first, and then learn how to apply your blush properly. Here is how you can get the best out of your blush and accentuate your best features. Applying-Blush
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Growing your hair really fast is never too easy, especially if you've made a mistake and asked you hair stylist for bangs or a certain haircut that turned out to be the wrong choice for you. Whatever the reason, the process of waiting for your hair to grow can be really tedious. And, although you can not expect your hair to grow overnight, a few simple tips that can help you speed up the process. maintain-body-health-women-hair-loss-tips
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Whether you like to switch from highlights to rich brunette shades in fall or you just want to go from blonde to brunette, you should know that the process can get complicated. However, there are a few great tips to help you get an amazing end result. Take a look! e100d1d6de78edb0de4e263fbc4cac41
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Whether short or tall, many women dream of having even longer legs. Luckily, there are a few easy ways to make that dream come true and it's all about illusion. Take a look at a couple of amazing tricks that will help you make the most of your build and fake long legs. a0c35c70ccc00fa2c507114230d31024sexy-tan-black-heels11
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A little white dress has become a wardrobe staple for a few good reasons - it is incredibly versatile, it is a great option for both a casual and special ocassions, it allows you to create a fresh look and it is particularly suitable for summer. Here are a few great tips on how you can wear your little white dress. dress5
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There are many women who are not blessed with clear, glowy skin - and even they might get a blemish or two once in a while. In order to prevent that and keep your skin looking amazing, you need to pay attention to your daily diet. A healthy diet might be the key to clear skin and here are the healthy foods that you should consume daily if you need to fight acne. images (5)
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There is so much more to eyeshadow than it seems. In order to master this art, what you need to know is what are the right tools, what is your eye shape and practice a lot. If you want to learn about eyeshadow basics, take a look! images (2)
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If there is a room in your apartment or house that just doesn't feel right, but you don't know to fix it, it is the right time for a refresh. Here is how you can improve a room without having to buy new furniture pieces and replace everything. images
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While most people have a problem with losing weight, there are those who would like to gain weight. In order to gain weight in a healthy way, what you need is the right diet and proper exercise. Take a look at the following simple tips that will help you gain weight in a healthy way. index
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No matter how much you want to get a tan, the most important thing is to keep your skin protected. If you plan to be outside for a long time, you have to protect your skin properly, because every sunburn can lead to serious health problems. Here is how to avoid getting a sunburn. Myrtle_Beach_Sun_Tips_500_500_90_c1
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