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No matter how much you want to get a tan, the most important thing is to keep your skin protected. If you plan to be outside for a long time, you have to protect your skin properly, because every sunburn can lead to serious health problems. Here is how to avoid getting a sunburn. Myrtle_Beach_Sun_Tips_500_500_90_c1
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House plants add color and life to your home, but they are also excellent air filters. Moreover, there are plants that can help you get better sleep, and that is why you should keep them in your bedroom. Read which are the plants that can improve the quality of your sleep. 3bde4528bfa29189305e29970e45946e
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Listening to your body is very important, because every change is actually a message. And since the signs can be different, you need to really know your body and recognize every change that might be a sign of a certain problem. Here is what you need to pay attention to. landscape-1437670465-woman-touching-shoulder
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Regardless of how rushed your mornings are, there are a few habits that need to be an essential part of your beauty routine. They will help you look and feel your best and, once you get into the habit, you will do them very easy and fast. These are the beauty habits you need to include in your morning routine in order to look as great as possible every single day. images
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Even when you are sleeping, your body is still working. Different rejuvenating and repairing processes are on while you are resting, so why not help your body do that. Here are a few overnight beauty tips to help you wake up prettier than before. article-2013821910350538105000
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Curling your eye lashes is very useful as it can easily make your eyes look even more beautiful that with just a mascara and maybe some eyeliner. In order to achieve an amazing loo, you have to know a few tricks so that you can get your lashes just right in no time. images (3)
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Many girls think that they have to start applying their makeup differently once they start wearing glasses. Well, that is not true. But, there are a few makeup tricks that can make your eyes look more flattering. Take a look and learn how to make your eyes stand out through your lenses. women-glasses
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If you want your eyes to stand out, eyeliner is a perfect solution. However, getting it just right and keeping it in place is not always that easy. Luckily, there are a few great tips that will help you keep your eyeliner looking amazing all day long. Take a look! cat-eye-makeup-look
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Would you like to look even more fabulous than you already do but spend less time on your beauty routine? You can easily retain your same look and save time if you use some of these beauty tricks. beauty
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Summer comes with a necessary change of your skin care regimen. Long sunshine hours, heat and humidity can cause acne, blocked pores and redness. Here are a few tips to help you keep your skin fresh and healthy during summer. how-to-keep-skin-fresh633x3
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