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If you like to express your creativity through makeup, you should first learn the most common makeup mistakes and avoid them. With so many beauty products on the market, it's equally difficult to find the right ones and easy to apply them  incorrectly. In order to learn how to use makeup properly, you should know what are the makeup mistakes you don't even realize you are making. For a flawless finish, keep the following 3 mistakes in mind. makeup-mistakes
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Growing healthy long hair can be difficult, but there are things you can do to improve hair growth. By maintaining healthy hair through a good diet and proper hair care you can increase the growth rate of your hair and get healthy locks. If you wonder what to do to make your hair grow faster and to get luscious locks of hair, read the following tips. Making your hair grow fast naturally is actually easy, you just need to adopt the right habits. Home-Remedies-to-Grow-healthy-Long-hair1
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Area rugs are practical, they provide comfort and warmth, but they are also a great way to decorate your rooms. But choosing the right rug can be tricky - the right one can add personality and style to a room, but the wrong one can make a room seems unfinished. To create a well balanced space, you might need a few guidelines to help you find the proper rugs for your rooms.  When choosing the right rug, there are three main elements you should keep in mind: size,  color and pattern. download dsc_014112
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Applying foundation seems simple enough. But, it can actually be very tricky and it is the source of anxiety for many women who like to wear makeup. Foundation brings your makeup look together with a flawless base, so this step really deserves your attention. To achieve the best-looking skin possible, here are a few great foundation tricks. Skin care & cosmetics. Woman applying skin tone foundation
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Every girl wants to have gorgeous, full, and long eyelashes. Many women would say that mascara is the one beauty product they couldn’t live without, and that just shows how important our lashes are for most of us. It is the one feature on our face that we most focus on when we apply our makeup, which just proves how important our lashes are to us. If you were not lucky enough to be born with thick, long lashes, follow these simple steps to make them flawless and perfect looking. преузимање
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When you don’t want to wake up half an hour early to do your hair for work or school, there are some hair tricks to help you look as if you spent hours in front of your mirror even when you are experiencing one of those lazy days. Even when you have no motivation to do your hair, you still need to look presentable, and these amazing hacks are great solutions for your lazy days. Take a look at these simple hairstyles and other tricks that will save your day! преузимање (3)
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Non-toxic and extremely effective, baking soda can be used as a natural beauty solution. Uses of baking soda are countless and some of them are unexpected. This inexpensive product can easily become a part of your beauty routine. Enhance your grooming routines with this great product. преузимање
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If you want strong #nails, glowing #skin, and thick #hair, you need both a great #beauty regime and a great diet. Don’t underestimate the importance of a healthy diet – food contains lots of beauty ingredients and the best way to have good nails and healthy hair is to start from within. The saying “You are what you eat” is certainly true. Here are some beauty-enhancing foods you might want to take into consideration if you want to look gorgeous. преузимање (3)
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Is your #hair beautiful and healthy? Or did blow dryers, weather, and different products take a toll on your hair? All you need to make your dry, damaged or oily hair shine again is already in your fridge! Homemade hair masks are cheap, easy to make, you can make them so that they exactly match your hair’s needs and they contain no harsh chemicals. So skip all of those costly commercial hair products and nurture you scalp and hair with powerful natural nutrients! images (2)
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If you love your perfume and you want to make it last longer on your skin, here are some suggestions for you. You don’t want the scent to disappear too fast but you don’t know how to make it last longer? Here are some suggestions for you. преузимање
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