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Nothing makes a girl feel better than having gorgeous hair. And, if you are trying to grow your hair, you should know that a healthy diet can help you speed up this process. Eating a healthy diet will give you a great figure, glowing skin and do wonders for your hair. After all, there is a saying „you are what you eat“– certain foods can really make your hair look shinier and your skin and nails healthier. Also, there are foods that, being rich in biotin and vitamin B, can make your hair grow. Here they are. преузимање
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If there is one single product that can be used for cooking, moisturizing your hair, removing your makeup and hydrating your skin, that is coconut oil. And, unlike many other beauty products on the market, this one is completely natural. If you want to learn more about how you can use coconut oil on your skin and hair, take a look. преузимање (7)
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Many people agree that mangoes are one of the most delicious fruits. However, not all of them are aware of their numerous health benefits. Among other things, mango is a great natural moisturizer and helps you get and maintain healthy and radiant skin. However, the benefits or mango are not limited to your skin only - it promotes hair growth and a healthy scalp which leads to healthy and shiny hair. Let’s take a look at how mango can help you get amazing looking hair. images (1)
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Whatever your life goals are, the most essential thing is having a healthy sense of confidence. In order to achieve what you’ve imagined, you need to trust yourself and to have faith that your dreams will come true. If there are no obstacles to get you down, you will be able to go for what you want. In order to live a happy life, you need to be confident, and here are a few tips to help you elevate your sense of self-worth. преузимање
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As your wedding day gets closer, your dreams about you looking picture perfect on your big day get bigger. Every girl wants to feel great when she puts on her dream dress, but maybe you need to read a few fit tips in order to look and feel your best on your wedding day. Here are a few amazing tips for getting in shape and toning up. преузимање
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If you take good care of your hair, but it doesn’t behave the way you want it to, then you are probably making some of the most common hair care mistakes. Sometimes, in an attempt to treat our hair the best way possible, we actually ruin it. Take a look at the following most common mistakes women make when it comes to hair care and check whether your hair care routine is more harmful than helpful. images
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Every single woman loves her hair, but, unfortunately, all of them have to deal with split ends. Split ends are not the end of the world, but if your ends are frayed, your whole hairstyle looks a bit dull. And if you are trying to grow out your hair, split ends are the last thing you need. However, there are ways to help your hair. There are a few easy tips that will help you get soft, smooth and healthy hair. They can’t help you get rid of split ends entirely, but you will be able to keep them under control. Take a look! images
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When you leave the hair salon with freshly colored hair, it is very likely that you are going to feel pretty and thrilled with your locks and that you will want that look to last as long as possible. There are not many things that make a girl as stellar as freshly colored strands, but the bliss doesn’t always last too long. There are many factors that make the hue fade, leaving you with dull strands. If you are constantly looking for new ways to keep that color fresh as long as possible, here are a few tricks to help you achieve that. hair
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Spring is just around the corner and there are a few gorgeous beauty trends that we are going to start wearing very soon. Here are the trends that are going to be on all our faces, so start practicing right now. From hair to makeup, here are the beauty trends that we are going to be seeing a lot this summer. images преузимање
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If you have dry hair, then you often face a problem with frizzy hair that is difficlut to tame. If you have this problem, you need to use a conditioner on a regular basis. It helps lubricate the hair shaft and makes your hair soft. And although there are different conditioners available on the market, why not make one by yourself? Read about 3 homemade conditioners for dry hair that are easy to prepare and you can also easily adjust them to your hair. images (3)
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