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If you are willing to spend half an hour with your blowdryer every morning, then you are probably not looking for low maintenance hair tips. However, if you are one of those women who want hair that looks amazing without having to spend a great part of their morning routine on it, this guide to low maintenance hair is perfect for you. madison-beer-short-hair
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Even if your busy mornings don't allow you to spend a lot of time in front of your mirror, you don't have to go to work wearing no makeup at all. All you need to look put together is to accentuate your eyes, and you can do that in just 5 minutes. Take a look and learn how to achieve an easy and quick, but sophisticated eye look. Quick-Brightening-Eye-Makeup-Tutorial-In-5-Minutes
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If you are looking for a change and thinking about gorgeous and exciting hairstyles, feminine and stylish short hair is the right choice for you. Short hairstyles have never been so feminine, so you shouldn't hide behind that long hair when you can accentuate your face, neck and eyes in the most interesting way possible. If you are not convinced, take a look and enjoy! image5s
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If you dream of shiny, healthy and beautiful hair, you should know that it starts with a good haircut. But even if you have a great haircut, when you wash and style your hair by yourself, it doesn't always look as stunning as you hoped. Why is that? Here are some of the most important things that even your hairstylist won't tell you. hairstyle-short-weave
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Bangs can make even a boring haircut very interesting and they draw attention to your eyes. They are flattering on all face shapes, you just need to find the kind that is right for you. If that wasn't enough to convince you to get bangs and you are still thinking about whether you should do it, take a look at a couple more things you have to know about having and styling bangs. short_fine_hair_bangs
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Women who have large foreheads are always looking for a new flattering and fashionable hairstyle, but that might not be such an easy task. Luckily, there are many gorgeous hairstyles that can help you cover your huge forehead. Here are a few of the best hairstyles for big foreheads that will help you choose a new hairstyle that suits your face type. index6
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If you want to look as youthful as possible, then you probably already know a lot about how to apply your makeup and choose your clothes properly. But, do you know how much the right haircut can improve your overall appearance? The way you wear your hair has a great effect on how young you look, so take a look to find out what are the styles that add on the years and what are their youthful counterparts. wLOXAgn
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Sweater dresses are soft, comfortable to wear, they make you feel feminine and they can be styled in many different ways. Although they have a casual appearance, they can be easily styled up and thanks to that this amazing piece of wardrobe can create a perfect outfit for any occasion. If you want to look stylish in a sweater dress, you need to find the right cut for your body type, the right color, and you also need to know how to create stylish combinations with different accessories. If you want to learn how to do that, take a look. img-thing
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What makes the difference between flawless makeup and unpolished look is knowing how to apply liquid foundation. Moreover, applying it with your fingers might seem easier, but if you use a brush for this purpose, you will use much less product and blend it in better. Here is how to properly apply your liquid foundation with a brush. raquel-zimmermann-and-shiseido-perfect-foundation-brush-gallery
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If you are a blonde, you've probably already realized that your hair needs special attention if you want to keep it healthy and shiny. A specific maintenance routine can ensure that your ends don't get dried out, that your hair stays protected from UV rays and that your color doesn't fade. Take a look and learn how to keep your blonde hair looking amazing. ee24f9eb01b49207326d8eda93f49956
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