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If you are pregnant, then you already know how important good nutrition is for your baby's development. Almost all pregnant women need more protein, vitamins, minerals and more calories for energy. However, you don't need to eat much more than before, you just need to eat a well-balanced diet and consume up to 300 more per day. what-to-eat-during-pregnancy
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If your hair grows very fast or you just don't want to color it, then going to a hair salon every few weeks is not for you. But, if you still want to keep your blonde hair looking bright, there are a couple of natural ingredients that can enhance your color and keep your hair shiny.a7edb8829609b39a28871a2977e8c755
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If you've got dry hair, you know how unhealthy it can look and how hard it can be to style it. In order to deal with the problem of dry hair, you need to know what causes it. If you want to have a good hair day every day, read and learn what are the most common factors that cause dry strands. 27D786EC00000578-3049838-image-a-3_1429671472364
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Regardless of how rushed your mornings are, there are a few habits that need to be an essential part of your beauty routine. They will help you look and feel your best and, once you get into the habit, you will do them very easy and fast. These are the beauty habits you need to include in your morning routine in order to look as great as possible every single day. images
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If you want your eyes to stand out, eyeliner is a perfect solution. However, getting it just right and keeping it in place is not always that easy. Luckily, there are a few great tips that will help you keep your eyeliner looking amazing all day long. Take a look! cat-eye-makeup-look
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Would you like to look even more fabulous than you already do but spend less time on your beauty routine? You can easily retain your same look and save time if you use some of these beauty tricks. beauty
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Summer comes with a necessary change of your skin care regimen. Long sunshine hours, heat and humidity can cause acne, blocked pores and redness. Here are a few tips to help you keep your skin fresh and healthy during summer. how-to-keep-skin-fresh633x3
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When it comes to makeup, we all know that lipstick can make all the difference. However, it can be very difficult to keep your lipstick in place during the hot summer months. If that doesn't convince you to switch to a tinted balm, there are a few things you can do to keep your lipstick from smudging all summer long. images (1)
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Even though summer is the perfect time of the year to stop wearing makeup altogether, many women feel uncomfortable with no makeup on their face. If you are one of them, you really need to find a way to prevent your makeup from melting. Here are a few things that can help you keep your makeup smudge- and smear-free.


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Summertime is that time of the year when your body really needs more fluid. The lack of liquids leads to dehydration, which is a serious health issue that has to be treated immediately. To avoid that, there are the signs that your body needs water. If you notice any of these, take a drink as soon as possible. images
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