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Caring for curly hair and styling it is not always too easy as there are many things you need to know if you want to keep it healthy and beautiful. In order to avoid bad hair days, you need to know what you are doing. The following advice will make styling any curly hairstyle very simple and easy. 4
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If you care a lot about your skin, chances are you have a very intricate skin care routine. But, although you do your best to keep your skin glowing and fresh, you might be actually damaging it without even realizing it. If you want to learn whether you are washing your face properly or completely wrong, take a look at the following most common ways women are ruining their skin. 1
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If your skin doesn't look very good, make sure that you are removing your makeup correctly. If you want to get and keep beautiful skin, you need to cleanse properly, and every good skin care routine starts with taking all of your makeup off before going to bed. Take a look and learn how to do it properly. How-to-Remove-Makeup1
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If you know how to play up your eye shape, you can be sure that you will always look flawless and put together. In order to master the makeup application according to your eye shape, you first need to know what that shape exactly is. Here is how you can determine that shape and master a basic look. Close-up-of-a-model-with-dark-hair
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Taking care of dry skin can be very challenging, especially during the cold weather season. This is because the humidity levels drop with the temperatures, which makes your skin feel very tight. However, you can protect your skin during those cold months and nourish it properly when it is already irritated and this is how you can do that. 66
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Whether you chose a foundation that turned out to be too dark for your skin tone, or your summer shade doesn't look good on your skin during winter, there is a way to make your foundation lighter so that you don't have to toss it. And while this process takes some time and practice, there is a way to make that dark foundation work for your skin. le-contouring
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The right kind of bangs can refresh your entire hairstyle and make you look youthful. But, before you make a decision to change your hairstyle, you should know what you are getting into. There is a style for every face and they make every hairstyle more interesting, but they require a few adjustments in your beauty routine. c11e8cea2d250a2644ddcc711855d3a8
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When it comes to healthy and supple skin, you already know that the most important thing is to drink enough water. Your skin cells contain a high percentage of water and they need it in order to function properly, and that is why drinking at least 8 glasses of water is essential to healthy skin. However, there are also other healthy drinks beneficial for your skin that provide not only a large amount of water, but also many other nutrients important for your skin's protective functions. coconut-water
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Freezing temperatures and winter winds can take a toll on your skin and devoid it of all the moisture if you are not taking good care of it. Gentle cleansing and deep moisturizing should beĀ  very important parts of your skin care regimen if you want to keep your skin healthy and radiant all winter long. Here is what you can do to make your skin stay moisturized, healthy and glowing when the temperatures drop. WSKT_1
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Pregnancy comes with a number of changes and issues, and it might be a bit difficult to think about your skin care. However, that is just the right time to pay attention to your skin. During the pregnancy, your skin goes through different changes, and that is why you need to keep a healthy skin care routine if you want to avoid breakouts, dry skin and other problems. shutterstock_15773725
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