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There are so many different types of hairbrushes that can be very difficult to figure out what are each of them actually good for. When it comes to your hair, the proper tools can make all the difference. Here is how to pick the proper brush and get perfect hair. index
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Blue eyeshadow can make your eyes really stand out and look bright, more than other colors, but you need to learn how to choose the correct shade and apply it properly in order to avoid looking clownish. There are many ways to wear this color without looking like you are experimenting with different makeup colors. Take a look and learn how to choose the right shade of blue and use it to enhance your look. 1664021
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You already know that you shouldn't sleep in your makeup, but are you really aware of the possible risks and how bad actually that is for your skin? So, next time you feel too tired to take all of your makeup off before going to bed, think about these things and you will change your mind. 14
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If you are willing to spend half an hour with your blowdryer every morning, then you are probably not looking for low maintenance hair tips. However, if you are one of those women who want hair that looks amazing without having to spend a great part of their morning routine on it, this guide to low maintenance hair is perfect for you. madison-beer-short-hair
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Since you spend so much time in your office, it is a good idea to make it feel and look more like home and comfortable. A clean and organized work space will make you feel happier and be more productive all day long, so take a look at a few inexpensive and interesting ideas for decorating it. 23-Urbio
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Whatever shade of blonde you prefer, you should know that it requires special attention when it comes to hair care. It tends to be fine, fragile and dry so it requires special care in order to stay shiny and beautiful. Here are the most important tips that will help you keep your blonde hair healthy and glossy. Blonde-High-Light-Balayage1
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Getting enough sleep plays an important role in how you look - a good night's sleep promotes the repairing of the skin, while the lack of sleep encourages the production of cortisol, which makes the cells break down. So, if you want to look and feel great, you need to make the most of a night of sleep. Here is how you can do that. images
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After a sleepless night or if you feel sick, your skin will probably look dull and lifeless, so you need to rely on makeup to look fresh, awake and healthy. All you need is a couple of right makeup products and a proper application technique and in a few minutes you will look your best and feel confident again. 2
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When it comes to healthy and supple skin, you already know that the most important thing is to drink enough water. Your skin cells contain a high percentage of water and they need it in order to function properly, and that is why drinking at least 8 glasses of water is essential to healthy skin. However, there are also other healthy drinks beneficial for your skin that provide not only a large amount of water, but also many other nutrients important for your skin's protective functions. coconut-water
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When it comes to makeup, once you turn 50, the makeup rules you obeyed in your 20s and 30s no longer apply, but you still need to have a great skin care routine. Now you need to learn how to conceal those fine lines and sun spots and make your skin more radiant, but if you don't apply your makeup properly and you don't take care of your skin, you can look even older. Here is how you can turn back the clock. L_2660
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